The Holy Quran and the pedestrian crossing

May peace be upon you dear reader, and welcome!

It is stated in our most beloved Al-Quran within the chapter titled Surah An-Nissa, in verse 36 the following command from all mighty Allah –

Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful. – Al-Quran 4:36
In the verse mentioned above Allah directly commands his creation to do good for the traveler. The fact that this is stated in the same verse in which he commands you to do good for your parents and relatives should indicate the gravity of doing good for the traveler, and it is not unreasonable to think that being kind to the traveler warrants rewards comparable to being kind to your parents. Therefore it is well worthwhile for the Saraceni to uphold this command where ever possible.

To this end, one way you can do good for the traveler in this day and age is to allow them fair access to the humble pedestrian crossing. When a pedestrian is standing at the end of the crossing, awaiting an opportunity to cross the road, the diligent Saracen should make due note, and proceed to bring their vehicle to a stop before the crossing, and afford the traveler a chance to cross without fear. Despite the laws governing traffic in our beloved island explicitly stating that a driver should stop and give way to pedestrians, it is with great sadness that Ibn Serendib witnesses that this is rarely followed and a fair share of the perpetrators are his fellow Saraceni.

Serendib is a hot and humid place. Walking on our roads under the full power of our equatorial Sun is an adversity that has to be faced by any pedestrian. Adding to this is the lack of a comfortable pavement, which is often too small, uneven and in most cases nonexistent. The physical fatigue caused by being a pedestrian here is something we all know and avoid whenever we can. However for many Saraceni and indeed for many of those in other communal groups, a vehicle is not an option they can afford and journeys by foot is a daily requirement. Fatigued by a difficult road, fried by an un relentless Sun, and weighed down by the difficulties of the day and life in general, our pedestrians have to face an additional challenge when crossing the road.

Vehicle owners here have sparse regard for the rights of the pedestrian. The rights granted to them by law is continuously violated, as vehicles simply proceed to drive on, when the law requires them to stop and give way to the pedestrians at the pedestrian crossing. To counteract the selfish nature of our motorists, our pedestrians have resorted to just walking on to the crossing, despite traffic still moving, risking life and limb, and leaving themselves at the mercy of an unknown stranger in a vehicle. Many vehicles reluctant to stop at the pedestrian crossing slow down instead. They expect the pedestrian to cross without them stopping, and expect the pedestrian to trust that they can apply the brakes should they under estimate their speed. Please think a little bit here, with your head and your heart. Is it fair to expect a pedestrian to trust an unknown vehicle will brake on time, especially if their life and limb are at risk should the vehicle fail to do so? It is not fair dear Saracen, not by far.

Therefore dear reader, I would like to bring to your attention this problem and urge you to be a reformer. The next time you are at the wheel of a vehicle, care for those that do not have the same facility by following the proper procedure at the pedestrian crossing. The recommended approach for a motorist would be to immediately reduce the speed of your vehicle and bring it to a complete halt at the line before the pedestrian crossing when you notice pedestrians have gathered to cross. Wait until the pedestrians have crossed the road, and there is sufficient clearance before you push down on the accelerator and move the vehicle forward. The rights of the pedestrian have been violated for so long, and so prolifically that many pedestrians may refrain from crossing even though you have stopped your vehicle for them. Indeed for them it will be a rare and curious site to see a vehicle being so considerate, and sometimes they may stare at you in disbelief. Be patient dear Saracen, and gesture to them with your hands and invite them to cross in safety. The relief in their hearts will light up your image in the eyes of your beloved god.

By giving way to the pedestrians at the crossing, in the manner mentioned above not only makes you a law-abiding motorist, but it also makes you a faithful adherent to Allah, by obeying a direct command from him and doing good to the traveler.

May all your journeys lead you to prosperity in safety!



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