Why is dressing modestly more important than before?

Assalamu alaikum, ya nesan!

The importance of dressing properly has gone beyond modesty and has become vital for our well being and good health. Our earth is not what it used to be, and with each passing year, the Sun light that reaches us is becoming more and more hazardous. Therefore, protecting yourself from its harmful rays is an ongoing concern, for those that are out and about in the rays of the Sun. Tropical and equatorial regions like our blessed island, have the highest exposure to these harmful rays, and therefore, this is a bigger concern for the Saraceni than most others.

According to the Cancer Council of Australia, 99% of all skin cancers are caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation present in the Sun’s light. In the past the ozone layer, made up of a special type of oxygen molecule, situated about 9 to 18 miles above sea level, filtered the light and reduced the amount of UV radiation that made its way to the earth surface. But, with each passing year, industrial green house gasses and the ever-increasing carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere are thinning the ozone, and has caused the amount of UV rays in our Sun light to increase sharply. Those that are exposed to it frequently are at a very high risk of developing a variety of skin cancers, and eye ailments.
... 99% of all skin cancers are caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation present in the Sun’s light.
Ultraviolet light, is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has a higher energy level than ordinary visible light. Therefore, it can penetrate deep in to the skin of someone exposed to it and cause cell death. The melanin that makes a person’s skin dark, protects us against UV radiation, but only up to a certain extent, and if that limit is exceeded, dark skinned people are at the same risk of those with lesser melanin levels, such as fair skinned people. When the amount of cell death caused by UV radiation exceeds its limit, the body can no longer maintain healthy cell replacement, and cells begin to divide uncontrollably, leading to cancer.

Too much ultraviolet radiation is also bad for your eyes. It is responsible for a variety of eye problems including cataracts, macular degeneration, pingueculae, pterygia and photokeratitis. Cataract incidences have increased sharply over the years, and the age at which a Saracen is undergoing treatment for this problem is dropping rapidly. Many people are quick to blame, computers and mobile phones for this problem, and yes, overuse of these devices do play a part, but we underestimate the Sun’s contribution, which according to research is the primary culprit.
Too much ultraviolet radiation is also bad for your eyes. It is responsible for a variety of eye problems including cataracts ...
Pharmaceutical companies have developed a wide range of creams, and lotions meant to protect our skin. However, studies have shown, that a single application lasts for at most 2 hours but often much less, and differs by manufacturer. You have no way of knowing whether the sunscreen that you applied is still working or not, and the sunscreen itself, which is a cocktail of chemicals, may lead to other skin problems. Therefore, the only cost-effective and dependable method of protecting ourselves is to ensure that we are properly clothed when we are in the Sun’s gaze. This is important for both men and women, and more so for children.

The women of the Saraceni, are probably the least affected by this problem at present. The hijab together with the overall garments they wear for the sake of modesty keep them well protected from harmful rays. However, the men need to consider their wardrobe more closely. They should opt for long sleeves whenever they can, and a cap of some sort is highly beneficial. A reasonably thick growth of beard too will assist in keeping radiation off the face. Sunglasses should not be considered a fashion accessory anymore, rather an essential part of outdoor attire. When selecting a pair for yourself look for markings that say “UV protection” and/or “Polarized lens”, as these are the best kind.
Sunglasses should not be considered a fashion accessory anymore, rather an essential part of outdoor attire. 
May Allah protect us, and give us a healthy life!



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