How to prepare Jakfruit for cooking

Assalamu Alaikum Ya Nesan!

Spend a weekend tackling the infamously messy raw jakfruit. This video shows you how!

Raw Jakfruit or “Polos” as it is known in Sinhalese is an excellent source of dietary fiber. “Polos” helps regulate cholesterol, and prevents colon cancer in addition to improving digestion. It has been consumed in our blessed island, since antiquity. The flesh of the raw fruit must be marinated with spices like chili powder, pepper, coriander and turmeric, and cooked until tender, and it makes a fine accompaniment for red rice.

Cleaning the raw fruit is messy due to the excessive amount of latex it contains. The latex is abundant just under the skin, and can be found throughout the fruit. It is very sticky and readily adheres to the hands of the handler. The latex is nature’s way of protecting the young fruit from insect attacks, and deters other animals from making a meal of it before it is ripe.

Consuming uncooked “Polos” is not recommended for people who have latex allergies. So if you show a reaction to wearing rubber slippers, then steer clear of prepping the fruit with your bare hands, and avoid consuming it before it has been cooked.



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