1438 th Anniversary of the Battle of Badr: Lessons we can use

Assalamu Alaikum, ya nesan!

In a few day's time, our beloved community will commemorate one of the most decisive events in the history of our great religion; the 1438th anniversary of the battle of Badr (غزوة بدر). For those of you who would like a refresher, a very nice account of this event is available here. This landmark battle, which took place on the seventeenth of Ramadhan in the second year of the Hijra, has many lessons that we would do well to remind ourselves, as they were as useful then, as they are useful now. We were disadvantages then, as we are now in all worldly metrics, but if you consider that we have Allah’s favor and mercy you may conclude that we are anything but disadvantaged. All we need to do is follow the exemplary qualities of our fore bearers and victory and peace will be ours.

Just like the Badr Sahabhas, we must be united under the one true god. According to the accepted Arab laws of war, the Ansaris (those Sahabhas of Medina), were not mandated to fight for the holy prophet, as the Quraishi had not threatened Madinah, but nonetheless they joined ranks without hesitation to protect their prophet and defend their faith. If the Ansaris were to have backed away, only Allah knows what their plight may have been; Ibn Serendib thinks it would not have been victory. Therefore, as we face problems, we must strive to unite as a community and help and support each other, both in words and in deeds. Our internal scuffles should be left for another day. We must bear in mind that age old saying; "today they came for your brother, and tomorrow they will come for you".

Therefore, as we face problems, we must strive to unite as a community and help and support each other, both in words and in deeds.

The second lesson we can learn is to support our leaders. They are not perfect, nor divine, but when strife hits, we must stand behind them, because our support gives them the courage to achieve more for us. The Muslims facing the battle of Badr never questioned the prophet’s military credentials. Indeed, the holy prophet had none. But since he was the accepted leader, their obedience and allegiance delivered victory. As a matter of fact, despite the Quraishi having more sophisticated and experienced leaders, their army’s reluctance to obey, lost them the battle, and ultimately they lost  Mecca. Therefore, may it the leader of our nation, or the leader of our community or even the religious leaders, we must offer our support sincerely. Bickering about their short comings will never give you prosperity.

...despite the Quraishi having more sophisticated and experienced leaders, their army’s reluctance to obey, lost them the battle, and ultimately they lost Mecca.
And the final lesson that Ibn Serendib wishes to highlight, is that we should not complain about strife, in the holy month. A few Saracen have questioned as to why Allah gives us strife in this holy month, when we are weak with fasting? They ask Ibn Serendib, is this a test? And to this Ibn Serendib replies, no! Allah sends us strife in this holy month, because it is when we are most likely to succeed, and achieve victory. It is in this month that Allah looks at us with the greatest mercy, and therefore he times our problems to our advantage. And just like he sent three thousand angels to help the Muslims at Badr, he will do the same for us, should we preserve our Ima`an, and focus on a solution.

Allah sends us strife in this holy month, because it is when we are most likely to succeed, and achieve victory.

In comparison to the Badr Sahabhas, our problems are but small. They are problems that can be easily solved with a bit of sophistication. All we need to do is be united, support our leaders and have Ima`an that Allah will assist us in every way. 

May Allah preserve the peace, and bring prosperity to our blessed Island, Ameen!



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