CeylonMosque.LK to conduct tours of mosques

Assalamu Alaikum Ya Nesan!

CeylonMosque.LK launched by the Center for Islamic Studies in Colombo has undertaken a splendid initiative to conduct tours of mosques in the island, as a foreign visitor to Sri Lanka are only exposed to famous temples and is often unaware of the long standing Islamic heritage of our country.

Screen shot of the website at http://ceylonmosque.lk/ on 5th February 2018

Ibn Serendib has not been on a tour conducted by these people as yet, but is highly interested in taking one.  There are six mosques in the program which are Akbar Mosque Colombo, Masjib-Ul-Abrar Colombo (Red Mosque Pettah), Pottuvil Grand Mosque, Mohideen Grand Mosque, Anuradhapura, Meera Makam Mosque Kandy and Jawatte Mosque Colombo. 

When Ibn Serendib writes "tour", it does not mean you will be taken in a bus from mosque to mosque, although such a thing would make for a great vacation activity, but instead you visit each mosque by yourself, and an appointed person at the mosque will show you around. As many of these mosques are also historic you may learn things about these places that are unavailable elsewhere. In order to get a tour for yourself go to the website and register through the "Visitor Register" link.

This program is not only aimed at tourists but non Muslim locals as well. Members of non Muslim communities can register for a tour at a mosque and educate themselves on what actually happens within it. The organizers hope that when non Muslims visit these mosques they can get a better understanding of Islamic prayer, and dispel misconceptions arising from propaganda against the Muslims. Ibn Serendib is unsure how effective this kind of program will be in dispelling racially motivated propaganda, but is excited about the exposure it will bring Islam in the tourism industry.

May Allah grant them success!



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