Children are the biggest drug addicts of our time

Assalamu Alaikum Ya Nesan!

Cute faces and chubby cheeks of little Saracen are heartwarming to see. They lead us to think of them as the innocent flowers of our blessed community. But behind the toothless smile, and hearty giggles maybe a raging drug addict, hooked and heavy on substance abuse. The Narcotics agencies are not interested in them, and allow drug dealers to target them openly, and therefore dear Abu Saracen and Ummu Saracen, your attention here is of utmost importance.

Like most dangerous psycho active drugs, this drug comes in white powdery granules as well, much like cocaine, and crystal meth. However unlike other well known “party drugs” that you buy by the gram, this drug is sold by the kilogram. It can be used to spike a child’s drink, or like cannabis, it can be baked into food, and then ingested, to achieve a trip.

The effects of substance abuse can be plainly visible in such a child. Irritability, mood swings, lack of attention, and when this drug runs low in their tiny little bodies, the unbelievable tantrums they throw to get their fix. Abusers of meth amphetamines have terrible teeth so iconic that it has come to be known as “Meth mouth”. The drug Ibn Serendib speaks of also shows similar devastation on the teeth. However unlike other drugs which make addicts thin and scrawny, this drug makes them fat, sometimes very, very fat. Sleep and appetite takes a heavy hit, as “little Muhammad”, and “baby Fathima” become too hyper active for bed, and too sleepy for school. Meal times can prove difficult, as high concentration of drugs in the blood ward off appetite, and food needs to be thrown away.

Now before you rush little Saracen to rehab, there is a golden rule you can follow to arrest your child’s addiction, and release them from its negative grip. Let your children get their fix (if they really must), soon after a nutritious meal, preferably after breakfast or lunch, but not after dinner and never by itself. If little Saracen needs a fix at any other time, avoid the concentrated types, like chocolates, toffees, cakes and commercial juices, and instead provide them some fruit. Fruits are not as expensive as you think. Two apples can be bought for the price of a chocolate. Banana’s come cheaper, and so does Guava. Chinese Mandarins are amazingly affordable these days. You can buy a bag of about 50 for about 300 Serendib coins. Being packed with Vitamin C they are a bargain!

Avoid commercial sodas, coffees, milks and juices. Your kids don’t need them because they contain drugs in unbelievable concentration. Go water, or fresh juice!

Remember, Smoking Kills, and so does Sugar.

May Allah have mercy on our children!



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